Friday, 15 July 2016

The Attack in Nice - Think Rationally not Emotionally

Read this on my new website:

The truck attack in Nice will no doubt be linked to "Islamic Extremism" in the first 24 hours before the truth is actually revealed. Let's be clear, the attack is horrific and in no way affirmed by Islam or the Muslims - but leaving emotion to the side we must understand the outcomes of such attacks and the similar ones leading up to this.
If you follow the media trend on such attacks you will see that within the first 24 hours of the attack, the attackers identity will be revealed as a Muslim and that he most likely has links to ISIS or another terrorist/militia group. The government will announce their commitment to fighting terrorism and in effect get the public opinion on their side for further military action in the Middle East. However, the following hours after the first 24 hours you will find that the attackers true identity will be revealed, usually a deranged psychopath that would be easily misled or goaded into doing such attacks. You will find that the official narrative is weak and contradictions begin to appear from the over exaggerated initial reports. But it's too late, by this time the entire world has linked this attack to Islam and Muslims, and 99% of the population have switched off the news and moved onto more "important" matters in their life. The 1% that haven't are you, the one reading this article right now. That 1% doesn't really matter now as they have no power or voice.
This was the case with the San Bernardino shooting, the Orlando nightclub shooting, and now this one and many others before.
We understand that these attacks most likely were carried out, putting conspiracy theories aside. And even if they didn't happen it doesn't make the outcome null and void because the whole world believed it to have happened in the way the media has portrayed. What we have to understand is the outcome of such attacks.
  1. It sways public opinion against Islam and Muslims further isolating them.
  2. It supports the idea of further military intervention by European States, through NATO, of the Muslim world.
  3. It amplifies the voice of those on the far right, i'm sure Marie Le Pen is loving this.
  4. It endorses the idea of an 'extremist watchlist' which has been an issue of contention in many countries that say it is against ones freedoms. This attacker was known by the police but not on the official 'watchlist' so therefore he "wasn't tracked".
Finally, let us also remember the millions that have died through the wars that the Western nations committed and the Muslims dying in Kashmir right now as we speak that have no voice or media attention, and the Muslims in Burma that are persecuted to the point of extinction, and the 14,000 Muslims arrested in Bangladesh just because they oppose the government.
There are many Muslims dying right now due to their involvement in our lands and will continue to die until we wake up and do something to help.

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