Freedom of Expression (Free Speech)
Freedom of expression means that man has the right to express and advocate openly any opinion about any matter or issue without restriction.
Freedom of expression for the Capitalists is not simply confined to the accountability of the rulers, or criticising the behaviour of politicians and others, but it also includes the freedom to openly proclaim Kufr, deny the existence of Allah, and to call for any idea even if it contradicts the Islamic creed or disagrees with the rules emanating from it, such as the call and promotion to what Allah has forbidden like usury, gambling, alcohol, fornication and sexual perversion, and for many ideas that undermine the Islamic values, which Allah has commanded Muslims to hold fast to and protect.
Freedom of expression for the Capitalists is not simply confined to the accountability of the rulers, or criticising the behaviour of politicians and others, but it also includes the freedom to openly proclaim Kufr, deny the existence of Allah, and to call for any idea even if it contradicts the Islamic creed or disagrees with the rules emanating from it, such as the call and promotion to what Allah has forbidden like usury, gambling, alcohol, fornication and sexual perversion, and for many ideas that undermine the Islamic values, which Allah has commanded Muslims to hold fast to and protect.
Freedom of expression means allowing the agents, the hypocrites, those who are disobedient to Allah, and the enemies of Islam, to openly call against Islam and destroying the entity of the Ummah, fragmenting her into ethnic groups, regions, sects and groups. It allows the calls for racist tribalism, which Islam rejects and forbade Muslims to call for and which the Prophet (saw) himself described as “rotten”. Freedom of opinion also allows the calls for Kufr ideas that encourage immorality among women, vice, profanity, and corruption, and undermines the high values of honour. It is enough for a person to remember how this freedom allowed the apostate Salman Rushdie to openly proclaim and distribute what he said about the Prophet and the mothers of the believers to realise the extent to which this freedom has reached for Capitalists.
It is true that Islam allows a Muslim to express his opinion about anything or any issue, but it restricts him only to opinions derived from the Islamic creed or those built upon it, or within what Islam allows him to discuss. He has the right to express any opinion, even if it contradicts the opinion of the Khaleefah and his adoption, and even if it contradicts the opinions of a majority of Muslims.
The only condition, though, is that his opinion should be based on an evidence from Sharia or within the limits of Sharia. Islam even obliges the Muslim to express his opinion and take the ruler to task if he abuses his authority by saying or ordering something that displeases Allah. Islam even elevated this act of standing up to the rulers to the level of Jihad for the sake of Allah. The Prophet (saw) said, “The master of Shuhada is Hamzah ibn „Abdul-Muttalib and a man who challenges an oppressive ruler, ordered him (to do good) and forbids him (from doing evil) and is killed by him.” However, it is not allowed for a Muslim to express any opinion that contradicts Islam, whether re the Islamic creed or anything emanating from it. Accordingly, he is not allowed to call for the “liberation of women”, or Nationalism, or Patriotism, or Regionalism, or a Kufr principle like Capitalism or Socialism, or indeed any idea that contradicts Islam.
Therefore, it is not allowed for Muslims to adopt the freedom of opinion which the Capitalists call for. Everything that is initiated by a Muslim should be confined by the Sharia. The Prophet (saw) said, “Whoever believes in Allah and in the Hereafter, let him say good or refrain from saying anything.” The “good” referred to in the hadith is Islam, or what Islam approves of. Islam forbids Muslims to even show any inclination toward what contradicts Islam because the Prophet (saw) said, “You are not considered a (true) believer until your desire and whims are obedient to what I have brought in revelation”.
Taken from book: The American Campaign to Suppress Islam
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