Terrorism is a lie which the West concocted, believed it, lived its episodes and built its policies towards the Muslims upon its basis. The Muslims swallowed the bait, accused themselves, disowned their religion and punished themselves for a crime they never committed; they even agreed with their enemies to slay and dissect the victim and reward the perpetrators. They capitulated to reality and became the major player in concretising it despite what it carries in terms of Kufr and misery. They handed their leadership over to the preachers of "renouncing Islam for the sake of Islam"; those whose thoughts agree with the allegations, values and systems of the West.
How could they ever achieve victory while they admit they are the perpetrator and their enemy is the victim? How could they ever carry the message of Allah (swt) to guide humanity while they believe that their religion is one of terrorism? How could they ever despair from the Da'awah of Allah (swt) who says:
"Hence, place your trust in Allah; for behold, what you believe in is the self-evident truth. But indeed you cannot make the dead hear and you cannot make the deaf hear this call when they turn their backs on you and go away. Just as you cannot lead the blind of heart out of their error; none can you make hear save such as those who believe in our Ayat and thus surrender themselves unto Us." 27-79,80,81]
15 December 2015
By Abu Usaid
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