Monday, 18 January 2016

U.S. think-tank CSIS spells out to policy-makers the battle between Islam and Kufr

A recent article published by Anthony H. Cordesman of CSIS emphasises the battle of hearts and minds between the West and the Muslims.

It suggests that the struggle will continue for decades and that "No responsible political figure in the United States or the West can deny these realities. It is also time that our political leaders were honest about the struggle against Islamic extremism and terrorism. It is an ideological battle..." 

We should not take the term 'ideological battle' lightly. In order to defeat an ideology you must ensure those holding the belief, concepts and values of that ideology to abandon it for another, as was the case with Communism. This term alone should stun the believer as it is a clear message that the West will not relent until we have abandoned all that we stand for - Allah and His Messenger, may the peace and blessings be upon him.

It may seem from the apparent that the battle against Islam is happening in the Muslim world alone however the battle cannot be won abroad if it is not expelled from within. The report mentions that:
The core battle will not be fought outside the Islamic world. The United States, Europe, Asian states, and Russia are all on the periphery of the core battle. Defeating terrorism and extremism requires reform and replacing frustration and failed governance with leadership and hope. Moderate Muslim clerics and Muslim governments must demonstrate their legitimacy and defeat extremism at the ideological level.
Using the excuse of terrorism and extremism they are attempting to replace the already corrupt governments in place in the Muslim world with leaders that can push democracy and secularism, something quite clearly planned since the Greater Middle East Initiative in 2004. A Muslim government only holds legitimacy in the West's eyes if She defeats extremism at the ideological level - a clear indication that there is no room for a truly Islamic government or system as the term extremism to the West are those who believe in the Sharia of Allah and the Caliphate.

But, unless the West recognizes the need to keep moderate Muslim states as critical partners in the fight against terrorism and extremism, it will remain a target and risks some extremist movement taking over a state or states that have a Muslim majority.
Does the writer not mean to say 'another' extremist movement to take over a state? It shows that they do not find ISIS to be a credible threat, just a pretext used to further their agenda and they worry that a real Caliphate may rise with a Muslim majority backing it.

The article highlights the fact that the Muslim population will increase rapidly by 2050, over 70%. Pew Research documented the growth over a 10 year period and found the trends to be quite alarming for the West.

 Projected Change in Global Population

The report goes on to state that:

The United States, the West, and other areas outside the Islamic world cannot approach Islam as if it was somehow going to become secular, separate church and state, or Islamic fundamentalism – as distinguished violent from Islamic extremism – was going to disappear.
They accept the fact that Islam itself would not become secular, but instead it is the Muslim rulers and governments ruling over the Muslims who shall be secular in their governing.

In conclusion, many signs of distress are appearing on the once smug face of Capitalism and those who head it. It is our duty not to succumb to their plots and plans and continue on the correct path.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

The BDS Movement - a cunning trick on the believers and an excuse for the disbelievers

It seems that every other day someone else jumps onto the bandwagon of boycotting 'Israel' with the aim of deterring it from its plans of total annihilation in Palestine so that it may expand and consume its human and material resources.

We must not be overtaken by emotion and follow devoid of any forethought. Allah (swt) says: "Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." (2:216)

It may seem as if the BDS movement is a movement defending Muslims and Al-Aqsa, however Allah (swt) is telling us that there are certain things that may seem from appearance that they are good but in fact they are bad. 

We should already know that every problem man faces in life, Allah (swt) has given its solution via the beloved Messenger of Allah (saw). The issue of Palestine, the Muslims and Al-Aqsa is an issue for the entire Ummah. Therefore we should seek the solution from Islam, and this solution is the permanent solution. 

We can quite clearly see that the Muslims in Palestine do not have the capability to remove the occupation and therefore the responsibility is placed on the surrounding Muslims, a duty of sufficiency. However the barrier to such liberation is the lack of unity, the grip of the despot leaders , the scarcity of understanding and ultimately the absence of an Imam (Caliph) to lead the Ummah.

The BDS movement creates a false sense of relief for the Ummah, and inaction from international powers and organisations. The facts show us that it is the Americans and the Zionists within congress are those who break-even the balances of 'Israel'. Every year the aid is increased to cover any lack of finance for the previous year and the money spent on destroying the Muslims in Palestine.  

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance 
It goes on to state a number of other agreements that see 'Israel' receiving aid which the BDS movement could only dream of reaching its numbers. The annual FMF (Foreign Military Finance) is now increasing by 1 billion dollars.

Israeli media sources have said that the United States and Israel have held “preliminary” discussions over future military assistance with Israel seeking between $4.2 billion and $4.5 billion in annual FMF. 

Is this increase in aid for 'Israel' worth it for the Americans? Well of course! Why you ask?

  • It nullifies nations from seeking justice on behalf of the Palestinians through international law.
  • Allows the politicians in 'Israel' to stoke up hatred between the 'Zionists and the others', creating an "us and them" mentality, to push through draconian laws and further slaughter of Palestinian Muslims in cold blood without warrant or accountability.
  • Gives the Zionist congress in America further reason to increase their support for the illegal entity, and thus bankrolling any new military development for defending their 'homeland'.
  • Allows the U.S. to test out its latest advancements in military technology against the Muslims who are unarmed and unequipped. 
The longer we stay idle on this oppression and seek justice from other than Islam, the humiliation will continue and our noses will be rubbed in the dirt on the Day of Judgement while those who have been martyred in Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza and all over, shall get the justice they deserve, Paradise. 

“We were the most humiliated people on earth and Allah gave us honour through Islam. If we ever seek honour through anything else, Allah will humiliate us again.” Umar ibn al Khattab (ra).

Monday, 11 January 2016

Three paths for the U.S to maintain its hegemony on the world including another 9/11 attack?

RAND, a leading political and security think-tank in America, have recently published a report, third in its series titled 'Friend, Foes and Future Directions: U.S. Partnerships in a Turbulent World, Strategic Rethink'

It states that the U.S. have three stances that it can take in the coming year(s).

To mitigate this mismatch, U.S. policymakers have at least three general approaches to consider:
  • First, the United States could take an assertive approach focused primarily on American values, thereby limiting compromise with potential adversaries. Washington would seek a few capable partners but would be prepared to go it alone or with a small coalition of the willing if needed. This “assertive engagement” option would require a significant increase in defense spending. 
  • Second, the United States could seek greater defense contributions from allies and partners. Under such a policy, termed “collaborative engagement,” the United States would act based primarily on its interests and would seek to further harmonize its policies more with its major allies and strategic partners. It would be more dependent on the will of its partners and would be inclined to seek some accommodation, where possible, with potential adversaries. It would be more restrained in its policy choices and stress regional trade partnerships.
  • Third, the United States could reduce its ambitions and focus on only the most critical challenges to its own vital national interests. In some cases, it might need to reduce its commitments to partners. It would stress homeland resilience and seek to find surrogates to take the lead wherever possible. This alternative is called “retrenchment.”
 It is important to note what the term allies and partners means. The Washington Institute would write in a recent article that:

Saudi Arabia and the United States have been partners -- not allies. Typically, America's allies share values and not just interests.

United States view partners as those who do not share the same values and ideals however share common interests, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. However a partner are those who share the values and ideals such as freedoms and democracy. This includes the likes of Great Britain, France and Germany.

The report goes on to suggest that if the U.S. were to take the first path it would require a massive amount of economic support and such support would not be possible without the American public and therefore only a stunt such as 9/11 could sway public opinion in agreement.

One U.S. election is unlikely to fundamentally change those constraints. It would probably take another direct attack on the homeland, like 9/11, to shift both public opinion and spending priorities enough to finance this approach.
However it is quite clear that the second pathway is preferred under the Obama administration, making use of its partners in the region such as Iran and Saudi.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Grand Imam of al-Azhar refuses a fatwa to allow takfir of ISIS

It may come as a surprise that the grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed el-Tayeb has refused to issue a fatwa to excommunicate ISIS members, i.e. a fatwa to allow the takfir (excommunication from Islam) of ISIS members.

Either they don't wish to engage in heated dialogue which would only clarify the issue of making takfir on another brother or they're succumbing to a public opinion that regards the aims of ISIS to be noble but the method to be incorrect and fatal, i.e. the concept of Khilafah is correct however the method of establishing it via force to be incorrect.

My opinion would be the former. Al-Azhar is still seen to many Muslims around the Middle East to be the voice of reason and truth. Their fatwa's are followed by millions even though they lack political gain for Islam. In fact, it is known that many of the fatwa's issued by these big renowned Islamic institutions come at a time where America requires the Muslims blood to boil and rise to fight America and the West's wars. It remains silent for the cause of the Muslims dying in Palestine to the hands of the Israeli's who have stolen the land and reaped its resources, it remains silent for those suffering at the hands of brutal monks in Burma, it remains silent when the West intervene in the Muslims affairs, it remains silent when the dictators slaughter the believers and it remains silent when it is so badly needed to unite the Ummah and lead it forth into liberation.

If they were to entertain the discussion of takfirism which they so desperately need in order to split the Ummah on sectarianism then it would only clarify and crystallise the understanding of making takfir on another brother. Many Muslims would give a brother 70 excuses before excommunicating them from Islam as the severity of such words could cost them their own success in the hereafter.

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "If a man says to his brother, O Kafir (disbeliever)!' Then surely one of them is such (i.e., a Kafir). "

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Turkey swings to the West and the Muslims lose hope in Islam

Just a decade ago Turkey had met the set of democracy and governance-related requirements as a candidate for the European Union. Their economy was booming and their policy of keeping peace with neighbours allowed them to trade with ease and efficiency. They were setting themselves as a model democracy for the Middle East and the Muslims.

However, there has been a growing call by the Muslims across the globe for Islam to be implemented politically and not just spiritually. In order to preserve the progress Turkey had made, She had to listen to these wishes in a way that would not send liberal democracy a death sentence.

Thus began the brandishing of the Holy Qur'an by Erdogan in order to quell the thirst of the Muslims. It included the introduction of interest-free banking and tougher laws on religious marriages and adultery.

However this move to a more 'Islamic'-coated democracy, which is far from Islam, has introduced other domestic issues which were kept quiet a decade ago. The once quiet neighbour policy of the Turkish government to an aggressive stance that heavily includes themselves in the Syria and Iraq quagmire as well as the forerunner in the refugee crises, has brought about terrorist attacks and a struggling economy that has now broken ties with Russia that supplied 60% of its countries energy after the downing of the Russian jet.

What has this new turn in Turkish politics achieved?

  1. When the Muslims lose their high standard of living, it'll bring doubts into many that Islam cannot play any role in politics, even though currently this form of picking and choosing from Islam does not make a secular state into an Islamic state. 
  2. The Muslims have experienced gradualism under the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now a democracy led by 'Islamists' - both which have failed them domestically, in order to make the Muslims lose hope in Islam as a political ideology.
  3. Turkey will fall into the arms of both the EU and the U.S. which will force it to abandon the little Islam it has in governance in return for a booming economy and strong alliance once again. 
The longer the AKP use a heavy hand on the Kurds the faster its popularity will diminish, allowing for the opposition to ride the waves of secular democracy devoid of any religious laws to take the front seat and affirm that Islam cannot achieve the basic needs of the people. No wonder Erdogan had sought to take a higher role that will make him immune to the coming changes? 

This also leads one to believe that this U.S and Russia antipathy towards each other, is but a farcical to delude and deceive their own masses in order to effectuate change. 

The U.S. has achieved more than it has bargained for with this new direction by Turkey. The abandonment of the Chinese missile deal and the reconciliation with 'Israel', as well as the improved cooperation with NATO means there will be closely aligned agenda on Syria and Iraq with the U.S. 

It will be interesting to see how the AKP fare domestically after this huge swing to the West for Turkey.