Umar ibn Khatab once said ‘We’re the most humiliated people on earth & Allah gave us honour through Islam’.
The re-writing of the Muslim story started at different periods, but the defeats of the Mughal Empire and the Ottomans paved the way for a wholescale implementation and re-writing of Muslim history.
Muslims were taught a story created by others. Colonialists erased our history, and today most Muslims do not know much about our history at all. Muslims would come to define themselves the way their colonial masters defined them.
The colonial plan was not simply to manufacture new smaller, Muslim nations, but to change history and identity itself.
The idea was to break a single unifying identity — a Muslim identity and replace it with multiple other identities. We would, from that moment on, see ourselves along ethnic, racial, tribal and sectarian lines — and this would be further broken down into manufactured nationalistic ones.
Of course Muslims did not simply give up their identity, or their history. Colonial powers enforced these new identities through the most horrific violence. History bears testament to the millions who were murdered, starved to death and tortured, from one end of the Muslim world to the other to ensure these identities would replace any pan Islamic understanding of ourselves.
Once defeated — Muslims were taught by their colonizer the story that they were inferior, over time we became to subconsciously believe it.
Take for example how little Muslims care for their own peoples lives.
To understand this, let us first compare, the behavior of those who do not view themselves as inferior. Those who are not mentally defeated. Let us take the example of 9-11 and analyse how white Christians reacted after the attack on the twin towers. White Western men and women were killed in that attack. In total 2996 people died.
The reaction was an overwhelming desire for retribution across the Western World. They wanted war. The people who tried to take their liberty were to be hunted down and killed. Trial or no trial. They invaded two countries and over a million people died as a result. To this day their blood lust is not satisfied. Their war of terror is never ending.

Every year American’s remember those who lost their lives. Each one of those lives had a value. Giant monuments with every name of those who died carved on them are erected, and millions visit these monuments and keep their memory alive.
The same can be said of the Jewish people. Who does not know about the Holocaust? You even know the number — 6 million.
The examples are numerous across the World. Now look at the Muslims. Compare our behavior.
The Muslim remembers none of his dead. No monuments for the millions murdered over the centuries.
None of the million Muslims cleansed or murdered from the fall of Spain, the Messianic breaking up of the Ottoman Empire that led to the gassing of the Kurds by the British, the starving to death of millions by Churchill or the murder of countless millions who opposed the manufactured states that they were forced to live in From Palestine to Pakistan, the barbaric ethnic cleansing in the Caucases, atrocity after gruesome atrocity – all forgotten.
From Malaysia to Morrocco, Indonesia to India, country after country, Bosnia, Burma, Chechnya, Syria, Kashmir, Iraq, Arabia, Somalia, Yemen destroyed by invasions or foreign backed dictators.
It is not just history they hide from. It is estimated that Muslims killed in Iraq from sanctions exceed the number slain by all so called weapons of mass destruction throughout history.
More Muslim children died under Western sanctions in Iraq per month than did on September the 11th — and sanctions went on for ten years.
No names carved in metal columns, or fountains made in their honor, no minute’s silence, no commemoration, no flowers, each year, no honouring our dead, no fund for their families, not even their names mentioned in the Mosques on Friday — their corpses buried in mass graves are not worthy of being remembered — even by us.
The lack of reaction by Muslims is shocking — but in it lay the proof of our inferiority complex, our hatred of our own — our colonized minds.
The Muslim had no value for himself, how could he have any value for others like him.
Of course, these are not the only examples of the odd and tragic behavior of the broken Muslim mentality. The more you look the more you find.
Islam should have been the solution. After all, the Prophet PBUH in his last sermon stated that God Alone was One and mankind were all equal under Him. Fracturing any inferiority that others would impose upon Muslims.
However the version of Islam their colonizer allowed them to learn, failed to counter this inferiority. The colonial master killed, imprisoned and murdered anyone who spoke of the Mission of Islam.
All ethical obligations were stripped from Islam, the great Mission of Justice Islam brought to the world — muted. Now Islam became petty rules about dress, appearance. Petty topics like the perfect length of the beard became priority matters.
The colonized version of Islam taught them what foot to enter the toilet with, or what hand to eat with, but never to use those hands and feet to establish God’s Justice on earth. Our colonial Masters erased that from our faith.
They could tell you the names of the arcane Arabic text, but not a single name of the mothers raped and murdered, lying in unmarked graves, or the dead Muslim children from one end of the world to the other. In their colonized minds, this was nothing to do with Islam.
The colonized Muslim was taught to think of his oppression, like a slave thinks of slavery, something that was wrong but normal.
Muslims began to use religion as a drug to distract them from the nightmare — never to wake them up from it.
The Muslim is a broken thing. Inside the fissures are deep, the fear of the whip of the oppressor is never far from their mind. The Islam, he learned, taught him to bow not to God, but to the masters he found himself imitating.
While the apolitical practicing religious Muslims use the pillars of Islam to hide behind, so those who have achieved a modicum of success financially use their job.
This ‘professional’ class is normally the most fearful, for they have more to lose. You will hardly find a single activist against the oppression of our people amongst the western Muslim professional classes. Our most educated and successful minds are also the most slave like.
Money or status made them feel like men again, like humans, like equals.
And those with nothing, little educated and without jobs, they felt like equals often by using violence. Reader, you may find it strange that Muslims are the most aggressive to each other, but often silent against those non Muslim elites who attack them. Dogs dont fight lions, they fight other dogs. A man who has no value for himself, looks with contempt at others like him -for he sees himself in them.
In the past, Islam was the source of justice, it gave them honour, now it was a hollow set of minor rules that brought no help or change to their condition.
And because this colonized Islam could never give them equality, these defeated people looked to find it elsewhere.
Allah taught us all mankind was equal under God, the manifestation of Tawhid was equality. And in the past we fought to bring it to the world. We freed mankind from this tyranny of false Kings and Emperorors. We made a world where Kings and men became equals under Allah.
All that is gone and in its place — nothing but misery and servitude.
You see no man can be equal unless he is willing to demand it from those who deny his equality. When we lost the courage to do this, we hated our subservient condition, eventually we began to hate ourselves.
We ran away from the duty we were ordained to take up — our true mission, to establish Justice on this earth, written in the Quran. Instead of the rituals upholding the great mission, we used them to hide behind, and so we debased ourselves, prostrated through fear to men, not God.
We might deny it, but free men do not let themselves be oppressed. Only a slave does that — and you will hardly find a Muslim in the world who is not oppressed and who has not been trained like a zoo animal to accept his people’s oppression.
Allah taught us to change this world, to overthrow tyranny and through this sacrifice we freed ourselves, learned greatness and honour. It is time we did this again.
“We sent Our Messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the Measure in order to establish justice among the people…” (Quran 57:25)
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