Thursday, 19 February 2015

Opinion: Western media propaganda is the most powerful tool to distort the reality and corrupt our judgment

It does not come as a surprise that the Western led media create a blackout on the atrocities being committed by the countries in the Satanic Coalition fighting the 'War on ISIS'. We have been bombarded with the actions ISIS have carried out, using professional 'Hollywood' directing that has only benefited the Western agenda and had a detrimental effect on the aspirations of the Ummah to live under the System of Allah (swt).

Why is it that the 57 killed by Jordanian missile attacks, 12 of which were children, has not been uttered in mainstream news? What about the 8 killed by Egypt's intervention Libya, 4 of which were children between the ages of four and seven?

It is because the media is used to sway public opinion, thwart opposition narrative and embolden supporters of the Satanic Coalition. As Muslims we should be more politically astute when making our judgment upon realities as today it is not easy to formulate a valid opinion without being influenced by Western propaganda.

At the same time it does not mean we are supporters of ISIS who have only willingly or unwillingly closely aligned themselves to the Greater Middle East Initiative by demonizing core fundamental Islamic concepts such as the Sharia of Allah (swt) being established, the non-recognition of borders and nationalities, the application of the Hudood (laws) and the divine method to establish an Islamic Society.

In light of Obama's speech on the 18th March 2015 to 60 nation leaders, it has become clear that the West seek to destroy the notion of Islamic authority, and that anyone or any group seeking authority in the name of Islam should be attributed to ISIS and combated the same way they are doing it today.

Let us not be of those who make judgment having only heard one side, especially when that side of the story is of the wrongdoers. Ameen.

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