Friday, 6 February 2015

US supporting despot ousted regime of Shinawatra in Thailand

Once again, the ousted regime of Yingluck Shinawatra, along with her deposed brother Thaksin Shinawatra, has promised and now carried through with acts of terrorism and violence aimed at destabilizing, dividing, and destroying the nation. 

Thaksin Shinawatra, a convicted criminal living abroad to evade a two-year jail sentence for corruption and a long list of pending court cases has for the past decade led brutal campaigns of mass murder, terrorism, and targeted assassinations against his opponents and the people of Thailand, all with enthusiastic Western backing.

Comments made by Daniel Russel, a representative of the US State Department, condemned the current Thai government's legal proceedings against deposed prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, the nepotist proxy of her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, also deposed in a military coup in 2006, and guilty of mass murder, serial corruption and abuse of power, terrorism, and backing armed insurrection in 2009 and 2010.

Russel's comments were verbatim the talking points used for years by the Shinawatra regime to fend off attempts to check its autocratic despotism, and were again repeated by the remnants of Shinawatra's political front in Thailand after Russel's comments, prompting Thai authorities to summon 3 senior members of Shinawatra' political party.

Imagine a bomb going off in New York City's Times Square and the US government making an announcement about the Super Bowl instead.

That's just what happened in Thailand Sunday evening when a double bombing took place in the very heart of downtown Bangkok. While there were no injuries, it is a dangerous sign sent by incredibly dangerous terrorists who have killed hundreds of people in the past 10 years as part of deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's bid to claw his way back into power. In the wake of the bombing, the US Embassy in Thailand neither warned people about the violence, nor condemned it.

If you visit the US Embassy's website, the first link is to information about the "roles of civil society and political institutions on democratization in Thailand," or in plain English, US-backed subversion aimed at overwriting Thailand's indigenous institutions with foreign-backed NGOs that serve foreign interests. The story features a publication titled, "Democratic Regression in Thailand (.pdf)," referring to the ousting of US-backed dictator and mass murderer, Thaksin Shianwatra.

Reuters, BBC, CNN, and others who were last year were hysterical over protests aimed at ousting the Shinawatra family, claiming they were "anti-democratic militants," brushed off the bombing as a non-event - with some even inferring the current government may have staged it - a tempting theory if Shinawatra's political party didn't openly threaten to bomb Bangkok just days ago, as reported by the Nation.

The bombing is most likely a trial balloon to see how the government reacts, with more likely to follow if the US believes it can sufficiently destabilize Thailand and the popularity of the current government in order to either stage large protests or execute a US-backed "counter-coup" or a combination of both. The bombing may have been small, but the implications are large.

The latest row comes after US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Russel made comments condemning the recent coup that first deposed, then saw the impeachment of ex-Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra over a vast array of corruption and abuse of power charges.

Russel was quoted by an official US State Department transcript of a speech he gave in Thailand as saying:
...a narrow, restricted process -- carries the risk of leaving many Thai citizens feeling that they've been excluded from the political process.
That's the reason why we continue to advocate for a broader and more inclusive political process that allows all sectors of society to feel represented, to feel that their voices are being heard. I'd add that the perception of fairness is also extremely important and although this is being pretty blunt, when an elected leader is removed from office, is deposed, then impeached by the authorities -- the same authorities that conducted the coup -- and then when a political leader is targeted with criminal charges at a time when the basic democratic processes and institutions in the country are interrupted, the international community is going to be left with the impression that these steps could in fact be politically driven.

Russel's comments about "Thai citizens feeling that they've been excluded" is the preamble Shinawatra's own political front often uses to justify acts of terrorism and armed insurrection that have left hundreds of people dead. It is also a familiar line used to justify engineered US-backed violence in other nations aimed at regime change. 

Russel's claims that Shinawatra's criminal charges were "politically driven" beg belief. For the US to defend a prime minister openly serving as a proxy for a convicted criminal hiding abroad, and who presided over a regime that recklessly destroyed the economy while literally murdering its political opponents in the streets, is a clear breach of diplomatic protocol and unbecoming of the alleged purpose of the US State Department itself. 

Indeed, the US State Department exists to represent the will of the American people abroad, not to impose it upon others. 

The Thai government quickly condemned the comments, and a large public backlash followed, aimed at what is now increasingly seen as direct US meddling in Thailand's internal affairs. 

What the US Sees in the Shinawatras 
To explain why the US has breached diplomatic protocol, and is targeting Thailand's national sovereignty by meddling in its internal affairs, it must be noted that Thaksin Shinawatra himself has been a long-time family friend of the Bush political dynasty, was a member of the Carlyle Group, and since being ousted from power himself in a similar military coup in 2006, has been openly represented by some of the largest corporate lobbying firms on Earth, including, Kenneth Adelman of theEdelman PR firm (Freedom House,International Crisis Group,PNAC), James Baker of Baker Botts (CFR, Carlyle Group), Robert Blackwill (CFR) of Barbour Griffith & Rogers (BGR),Kobre & KimBell Pottinger (and here) and currently Robert Amsterdam of Amsterdam & Partners(Chatham House).

While in office Shinawatra took up a decidedly pro-US stance, economically and geopolitically. To the protest of the Royal Thai Army and the Thai people themselves, Shinawatra sent Thai troops to aid in the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. He also authorized the US CIA to use Thai territory to carry out their abhorrent "rendition" program. Shinawatra also attempted to ram-rod through an unpopular and quite illegal free trade agreement with America's Fortune 500

Also during his time in office, Shinawatra committed a series of atrocities against the Thai people themselves. First, in 2003 he initiated what he called a "war on drugs." Nearly 3,000 were extrajudicially murdered in the streets over the course of just 90 days. It would later turn out that more than half of those killed had nothing at all to do with the drug trade. In this act alone, Thaksin became the single worst human rights offender in Thai history. The following year, he would violently put down protests in Thailand's troubled southern provinces killing 85 people in a single day, now known as the "Tak Bai incident." 

For those familiar with the true nature of US foreign policy, the US buttressing a brutal but obedient dictator is an all too familiar tale, one that continues today with the US State Department openly working to undermine the legitimacy of the current Thai government and its efforts to fully uproot the Shinawatra regime along with the US-backed networks of sedition that helped Shinawatra retain its tight grip on the levers of Thai political power for over a decade.

That this grip appears to have been loosened, indicates that America's ability to interfere with impunity has diminished. 

The myth that the military overthrew a "popularly elected democratic government" could not be any further from the truth - and such myths have only gained traction thanks to the enormous and continuing support Shinawatra and the networks supporting his political power receive from the West's immense media monopolies. 

Despite these monopolies, the backlash Russel's comments have earned both himself and the United States' agenda in Thailand is disastrous. No longer do many Thais see the current political crisis as merely a battle between Thaksin Shinawatra and Thailand's traditional political order, but instead, as an existential battle against a foreign agenda that has created and to this day continues to prop up Shinawatra and a vast network aimed at overturning both Thailand's existing political order, and its sovereignty in the process. 

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